Unlock the full potential of your video content

Get started today and transform your content into an engaging video platform

Multiple devices showing UI of OTT platform with payment methods
Multiple devices showing UI of OTT platform with payment methods

Unlock the full potential of your video content

Get started today and transform your content into an engaging video platform

Multiple devices showing UI of OTT platform with payment methods

Features of Videodock OTT

We enable you to deliver high-quality content on your OTT platform, while engaging your audience, and driving monetization, taking your OTT platform to the next level. With robust content management tools, monetization options and advanced analytics, together with JW Player and Cleeng we deliver these features in our OTT apps that help you succeed and stand out in the competitive OTT market.

Video-First homepage with featured section and dynamic shelves

Our video-first homepage design highlights your best content, capturing your user’s attention right from the start. Engage audiences by presenting video straight away, a featured section and dynamic shelves with playlists that you’ll configure according to popularity, trends or topicality. This ensures higher viewer engagement and retention rates.

You can manually manage the content that is shown on the homepage, or rely on the dynamic and trending playlist capabilities of the JWP platform.

Video-First homepage with featured section and dynamic shelves

Our video-first homepage design highlights your best content, capturing your user’s attention right from the start. Engage audiences by presenting video straight away, a featured section and dynamic shelves with playlists that you’ll configure according to popularity, trends or topicality. This ensures higher viewer engagement and retention rates.

You can manually manage the content that is shown on the homepage, or rely on the dynamic and trending playlist capabilities of the JWP platform.

Live streams

With the 24/7 live stream channels and the option to add an Electronic Program Guide (EPG), you can create and manage round-the-clock channels that provide a seamless streaming experience. This feature is ideal for broadcasters or publishers with FAST channels with scheduled programming, such as news channels, sports networks, entertainment channels following a specific lineup. The EPG ensures that viewers can easily access and navigate the available channels, browse upcoming shows, and stay informed about your programming.

Additionally, the OTT apps support the streaming of events, which is perfect for the live-streaming of special occasions, one-time performances, conferences, webinars, concerts or exclusive events. In your app you can showcase events that are upcoming and live or on demand after the event took place.

Video on demand

The centre of the OTT platform is video on demand. Video on demand is content your users can watch whenever they want. Users can watch on-demand videos through their computer, mobile device, smart TV, or any other type of device

In JW Player dashboard you can easily adjust all settings of your video on demand content and the way it is presented: the pictures that are used, the playlists created, the order in which content is presented, the type of player (inline or fullscreen) used, etc. Next to that, we provide you with meta data and user data on the watched content and help you make a good analysis and strategy on showcasing your content.

Video on demand

The centre of the OTT platform is video on demand. Video on demand is content your users can watch whenever they want. Users can watch on-demand videos through their computer, mobile device, smart TV, or any other type of device

In JW Player dashboard you can easily adjust all settings of your video on demand content and the way it is presented: the pictures that are used, the playlists created, the order in which content is presented, the type of player (inline or fullscreen) used, etc. Next to that, we provide you with meta data and user data on the watched content and help you make a good analysis and strategy on showcasing your content.

Monetization of your video content

Monetize your content and reach your audiences the way you like. Our platform is flexible, customizable and supports several monetization models. Together with our clients we also explore new combinations of monetization models.

The business models we support in our platforms:


  • Users need to be logged in to access content.

  • Ask for specific user data during signup

AVOD (Advertising based Video on Demand)

  • Leverage advertising partnerships and deliver targeted video- and display ads to your viewers, maximizing revenue potential.

  • Users could be required to be logged in to access content.

  • Get valuable user data and insights for targeted advertising.

TVOD (Transactional based Video on Demand)

  • Users purchase access to a video or to specific content packages.

  • Suitable for premium or exclusive content.

  • Set pricing and generate revenue on a pay-per-view basis.

SVOD (Subscription based Video on Demand)

  • Users pay a monthly or yearly recurring fee (subscription) to access your entire content library.

  • Create a recurring revenue stream, fostering customer loyalty and encouraging long-term engagement.


  • FAST mimics a traditional linear TV experience.

  • Users watch content on FAST channels for free. In a FAST service, everything is supported by ad revenue.

  • FAST is growing and gives you yet another opportunity to connect with audiences.

User account environment

A dedicated user account page enables your viewers to control their personal information and preferences. This feature enables your users to:

  • Securely update, manage and delete personal details.

  • Create and manage profiles for a household

  • View and manage subscription details. Upgrade or downgrade a subscription, adjust payment methods and review billing history.

  • Access invoices directly from the account.

  • Create and manage a list of favorite videos. Easily bookmark videos and access preferred content.

  • Also, with our cross-device continue watching feature, you allow your viewers to seamlessly resume watching content from where they left off, providing convenience and eliminating the need to search for the last watched position manually.

User account environment

A dedicated user account page enables your viewers to control their personal information and preferences. This feature enables your users to:

  • Securely update, manage and delete personal details.

  • Create and manage profiles for a household

  • View and manage subscription details. Upgrade or downgrade a subscription, adjust payment methods and review billing history.

  • Access invoices directly from the account.

  • Create and manage a list of favorite videos. Easily bookmark videos and access preferred content.

  • Also, with our cross-device continue watching feature, you allow your viewers to seamlessly resume watching content from where they left off, providing convenience and eliminating the need to search for the last watched position manually.

 A sleek and modern OTT app interface with colorful icons and easy navigation for streaming content.
 A sleek and modern OTT app interface with colorful icons and easy navigation for streaming content.
 A sleek and modern OTT app interface with colorful icons and easy navigation for streaming content.


Setup of your OTT app

We will help you set up the deployment, content organization and user authentication management configurations of the app. In a 3 week process with our dedicated onboarding team we make sure to set up your OTT app, we offer design assistance and content organization with the JWP dashboard and we organise an onboarding workshop with your product managers & developers. App store submissions are done by Videodock, including assistance to technically comply with the regulations of app stores.

For user authentication and subscription management, we work together with our partners JW Player and Cleeng. JWP’s Subscription & Payment and Cleeng offer flexible APIs and SDKs to customize the user experience and tailor subscription management functionalities. You can choose JWP Identity to handle both authentication and subscriptions, or you can use Cleeng for subscription management and a user authentication service of your preference. Note that integration processes may vary.

Choose the perfect fit
for your needs

Choose the perfect fit
for your needs

In order to make the video platform fit your business plans, we offer 4 different possible ways of working (plans). Choose the plan that aligns with your goals and aspirations. Explore the details of each plan and make an informed decision to drive your streaming success.

Contact us for more details about the different plans





In short

SaaS OTT apps

Managed OTT apps

Custom build and managed OTT apps

Available platforms

  • Web

  • iOS

  • Android

  • tvOS

  • Android TV

  • Samsung Tizen

  • LG WebOS

  • Amazon Fire TV

  • Web

  • iOS

  • Android

  • tvOS

  • Android TV

  • Samsung Tizen

  • LG WebOS

  • Amazon Fire TV

  • Web

  • iOS

  • Android

  • tvOS

  • Android TV

  • Web

  • iOS

  • Android

  • tvOS

  • Android TV

  • Samsung Tizen

  • LG WebOS

  • Amazon Fire TV

  • Roku

  • Samsung Tizen

  • LG WebOS

  • Amazon Fire TV

  • Roku





OTT web app setup with JWP App config 

  • Staging

  • Production

  • Acceptance

  • Staging

  • Production

  • Acceptance

  • Staging

  • Production

Project setup in separate AWS account (Cloudfront, S3 etc.)


Make it yours / customisation




Seasonal styling updates (Up to 4 times a year)

  • Custom display name

  • Custom logo

  • Colour for buttons and links

  • Text and background colours

  • Custom footer text


Adjusting existing content types (screens + elements). Ability to show custom metadata fields in your apps.

  • playlists

  • films

  • series

  • English

  • Spanish

  • Adjustable to multiple languages

  • Adjustable to multiple languages








Support & monitoring




Feature-specific documentation


Onboarding training


4 hours of of support via Videodock’s online ticket system

Support through Videodock via online ticket system and via shared slack channel with Videodock developers

Support through Videodock via online ticket system and via shared slack channel with Videodock developers





Manual testing on relevant devices (desktop, mobile, tablet, tv)


Maintenance & updates




Synchronisation with JW's public OTT web app repository (4 times a year)


sprint based

Quarterly maintenance releases and app store submissions






Price per add-on

€ 500

sprint based

Additional TV app (price per platform)

  • iOS

  • Android

  • tvOS (Apple TV)

  • Android TV

  • Samsung / Tizen

  • LG WebOS

  • Amazon Fire TV

  • Roku

Additional TV app (price per platform)

  • iOS

  • Android

  • tvOS (Apple TV)

  • Android TV

  • Samsung / Tizen

  • LG WebOS

  • Amazon Fire TV

  • Roku



We aim to minimize risks related to updates by utilizing different environments. You don’t want software updates to impact the viewers’ experience in a negative way. Depending on the chosen plan, we work with 2 or 3 different environments: production, staging and acceptance:

  • The production environment is where your OTT platform is live and accessible to your viewers.

  • A staging environment allows you to test and validate your platform before it goes live, ensuring that updates or changes can be thoroughly reviewed and approved with actual production data before deployment to the production environment.

  • An acceptance environment is a dedicated space for testing and evaluating new or improved features and updates while using its own data (decoupled from the production environment).

A pile of stacked chips, representing different environments: production, staging, and acceptance



We aim to minimize risks related to updates by utilizing different environments. You don’t want software updates to impact the viewers’ experience in a negative way. Depending on the chosen plan, we work with 2 or 3 different environments: production, staging and acceptance:

  • The production environment is where your OTT platform is live and accessible to your viewers.

  • A staging environment allows you to test and validate your platform before it goes live, ensuring that updates or changes can be thoroughly reviewed and approved with actual production data before deployment to the production environment.

  • An acceptance environment is a dedicated space for testing and evaluating new or improved features and updates while using its own data (decoupled from the production environment).

A pile of stacked chips, representing different environments: production, staging, and acceptance
AWS logo
AWS logo


Project setup in separate AWS account

For all clients, we offer project setup in a separate AWS account, utilizing AWS services like CloudFront and S3. The account will be handed over to you when the contract ends, allowing you to retain control and ownership of the website infrastructure.



Prerendering improves performance and loading times. Benefits of this include reduced loading times and ensured quick access without delays or buffering. The prerendered HTML is search engine-friendly (SEO), enhancing the web app's online visibility and attracting more viewers. We offer a seamless interface with readily available content and smooth navigation.

Prerendering boosts performance and loading speed. Experience faster access, shorter loading times, and no delays or buffering.
Prerendering boosts performance and loading speed. Experience faster access, shorter loading times, and no delays or buffering.



Prerendering improves performance and loading times. Benefits of this include reduced loading times and ensured quick access without delays or buffering. The prerendered HTML is search engine-friendly (SEO), enhancing the web app's online visibility and attracting more viewers. We offer a seamless interface with readily available content and smooth navigation.

Prerendering boosts performance and loading speed. Experience faster access, shorter loading times, and no delays or buffering.
Explore a range of styling options for every look.
Explore a range of styling options for every look.
Explore a range of styling options for every look.

Make it yours / Customisation

Styling options

To make sure your end-users recognize your platform as yours and feel “at home”, there are several options to make your platform fit your brand identity. Set a unique name representing your brand or platform and upload a personalised logo for brand recognition. Choose specific colors aligning with your brand's design. Customize text and background colors for optimal readability and aesthetics. Add copyright info, legal disclaimers, or branding statements. Clients can update these styling options four times per year.

Make it yours / Customisation

Adjust the user experience per content type

Clients have the ability to customize the user experience per content type in their OTT apps. Each type of content (short clip vs. long movie, live event vs. serie, etc) can be better experienced in a different set up. Per content type you can adjust the screens (full screen or inline), differ the type of detail pages, make playlists and choose a film or series set up.

A pen drawing a line on a computer screen, adjusting user experience per content type
A pen drawing a line on a computer screen, adjusting user experience per content type

Make it yours / Customisation

Adjust the user experience per content type

Clients have the ability to customize the user experience per content type in their OTT apps. Each type of content (short clip vs. long movie, live event vs. serie, etc) can be better experienced in a different set up. Per content type you can adjust the screens (full screen or inline), differ the type of detail pages, make playlists and choose a film or series set up.

A pen drawing a line on a computer screen, adjusting user experience per content type
A laptop displaying abstract UI with a multilingual icon, representing web design and development services.
A laptop displaying abstract UI with a multilingual icon, representing web design and development services.
A laptop displaying abstract UI with a multilingual icon, representing web design and development services.

Make it yours / Customisation


Make your audience feel at home, by adjusting the language of the app. In the Pro and Custom plans, every language is possible to use. We help you with left-to-right and right-to-left adjustments in the set up of the app, if needed.


Video plays per month

The number of video plays on your OTT platform varies per plan. These allowances ensure seamless streaming experiences for your viewers. Video play counts are based on the total number of times a video is initiated and played, repeated views of the same video by the same viewer within a single session are excluded.

A computer monitor displaying a yellow play button. The image represents video plays per month on a desktop with an icon.
A computer monitor displaying a yellow play button. The image represents video plays per month on a desktop with an icon.


Video plays per month

The number of video plays on your OTT platform varies per plan. These allowances ensure seamless streaming experiences for your viewers. Video play counts are based on the total number of times a video is initiated and played, repeated views of the same video by the same viewer within a single session are excluded.

A computer monitor displaying a yellow play button. The image represents video plays per month on a desktop with an icon.
Choose hosting plan for varying bandwidth.
Choose hosting plan for varying bandwidth.
Choose hosting plan for varying bandwidth.


Monthly website bandwidth

Depending on the plan you choose, you get a different bandwidth for the hosting of your website. 

Support & monitoring

Feature-specific documentation

Videodock provides specific guidelines on the features of your platform in order to ensure that you are quickly up and running using our systems. We offer comprehensive guidance on the use of platform features:

  • Step-by-step instructions, best practices and guidelines to get the most out of your OTT platform.

  • Clear explanations and examples covering various use cases and scenarios to help you understand how each feature works and implement it according to your needs.

  • Technical implementation guidelines, assisting you in integrating and configuring features. Including information on APIs, SDKs, code snippets, and other technical aspects.

  • Documentation updates: With new and updated features come updated feature-specific documentation, ensuring that you have access to the latest information.

A folder icon with a document inside, representing Feature-specific documentation.

Support & monitoring

Feature-specific documentation

Videodock provides specific guidelines on the features of your platform in order to ensure that you are quickly up and running using our systems. We offer comprehensive guidance on the use of platform features:

  • Step-by-step instructions, best practices and guidelines to get the most out of your OTT platform.

  • Clear explanations and examples covering various use cases and scenarios to help you understand how each feature works and implement it according to your needs.

  • Technical implementation guidelines, assisting you in integrating and configuring features. Including information on APIs, SDKs, code snippets, and other technical aspects.

  • Documentation updates: With new and updated features come updated feature-specific documentation, ensuring that you have access to the latest information.

A folder icon with a document inside, representing Feature-specific documentation.
Computer monitor displaying abstract Support conversation on blue background with red lines.
Computer monitor displaying abstract Support conversation on blue background with red lines.
Computer monitor displaying abstract Support conversation on blue background with red lines.

Support & monitoring


No matter which plan you choose, our support teams are committed to providing you with timely and practical assistance. We understand the importance of responsive support in maintaining a successful OTT platform. We are here to help you overcome any technical challenges while ensuring a smooth operation.

Support is available through either JWP or Videodock. The support through JWP works via an online ticket system. Submit a ticket, and JWP will provide you with the support you need. Support through Videodock works, apart from submitting a ticket, by contacting the support team through a shared Slack channel, communicating directly with Videodock developers for fast and efficient troubleshooting and a seamless support experience. Please contact us if you have specific SLA requirements.

Support & monitoring

24/7 Uptime monitoring

We monitor your OTT web app around the clock, ensuring it stays up and running smoothly. Our systems and team actively detect and resolve any disruptions, minimizing downtime. You'll receive regular reports and insights to help you assess and enhance your platform's reliability and performance.

Desktop showing OTT UI with a warning sign symbolizing 24/7 uptime monitoring
Desktop showing OTT UI with a warning sign symbolizing 24/7 uptime monitoring

Support & monitoring

24/7 Uptime monitoring

We monitor your OTT web app around the clock, ensuring it stays up and running smoothly. Our systems and team actively detect and resolve any disruptions, minimizing downtime. You'll receive regular reports and insights to help you assess and enhance your platform's reliability and performance.

Desktop showing OTT UI with a warning sign symbolizing 24/7 uptime monitoring
An icon depicting a graph overlaid with a warning sign, representing client error monitoring.
An icon depicting a graph overlaid with a warning sign, representing client error monitoring.
An icon depicting a graph overlaid with a warning sign, representing client error monitoring.

Support & monitoring

Client error monitoring

We offer error monitoring with Sentry. Our error monitoring entails:

  • Comprehensive Error Tracking: Detailed insights into errors and exceptions. Identify error types, frequency, and specific areas where errors occur.

  • Real-Time Error Notifications when errors occur.

  • Error Analysis and Debugging: Robust error analysis and debugging tools: stack traces, logs, and relevant information, helping you to understand the root cause of errors.

Support & monitoring

Client-specific hotfixes

We deliver hotfixes that are tailored to critical issues or bugs specific to your implementation, configuration or unique requirements.

A screen displaying abstract lines of code, with a search icon overlaid, symbolizing client-specific hotfixes.
A screen displaying abstract lines of code, with a search icon overlaid, symbolizing client-specific hotfixes.

Support & monitoring

Client-specific hotfixes

We deliver hotfixes that are tailored to critical issues or bugs specific to your implementation, configuration or unique requirements.

A screen displaying abstract lines of code, with a search icon overlaid, symbolizing client-specific hotfixes.
A screen displaying abstract lines of code, with a success and fail icon overlaid, symbolizing automated testing.
A screen displaying abstract lines of code, with a success and fail icon overlaid, symbolizing automated testing.
A screen displaying abstract lines of code, with a success and fail icon overlaid, symbolizing automated testing.


Automated testing

Proper functioning and correct visual representation on frequently used browsers and devices are part of a good user experience. We test this automatically with unit tests and end-to-end tests where possible. We offer automated testing to ensure the quality and reliability of your OTT web app, covering functionality, compatibility, and performance. These tests verify features, prevent regressions, ensure device compatibility, and evaluate performance under high user loads.

Automated testing is integrated into the development and deployment process of the platform, enabling early issue detection and quick feedback cycles. This ensures a consistent and reliable user experience for your end-users. Automated testing during development is offered in all plans.

Furthermore we also offer automated periodic testing for major Browser/OS releases. This ensures consistent quality and assured compatibility of your OTT web app, especially when dealing with significant browser updates and operating system releases. We help you make sure your OTT web app keeps functioning properly for end-users, regardless of the device or browser they are using.


Manual testing

Manual testing remains important because it reveals bugs and provides insights into how we can improve the application and make it more user-friendly. Manual testing - on all relevant devices (desktop, mobile, tablet, and TV) - guarantees a seamless and engaging experience for viewers across devices. Our manual testing includes device-specific testing, responsive design and layout validation, user interaction and navigation assessment, platform-specific considerations, and overall user experience validation.

A laptop screen displaying an abstract OTT (Over-the-Top) user interface, with a search icon overlaid, symbolizing manual testing
A laptop screen displaying an abstract OTT (Over-the-Top) user interface, with a search icon overlaid, symbolizing manual testing


Manual testing

Manual testing remains important because it reveals bugs and provides insights into how we can improve the application and make it more user-friendly. Manual testing - on all relevant devices (desktop, mobile, tablet, and TV) - guarantees a seamless and engaging experience for viewers across devices. Our manual testing includes device-specific testing, responsive design and layout validation, user interaction and navigation assessment, platform-specific considerations, and overall user experience validation.

A laptop screen displaying an abstract OTT (Over-the-Top) user interface, with a search icon overlaid, symbolizing manual testing
An icon depicting the GitHub logo alongside a sync icon, symbolizing synchronization with the JWP OTT web app.
An icon depicting the GitHub logo alongside a sync icon, symbolizing synchronization with the JWP OTT web app.

Maintenance & updates

Synchronization with JWP OTT web app

The source code for your OTT app will be synchronized with the JWP OTT web app Public repository four times a year. This ensures you to stay updated with the latest JWP features, improvements and bug fixes from the community.

In the custom plan we do not sync with the OTT web app. Our recommendation is to yearly plan 2-3 sprints to keep the app up to date with user feedback and store regulations.

Maintenance & updates

Regular maintenance releases

Regular maintenance releases for your OTT app are essential to maintain stability and security in the app. Every quarter we share a new release with our clients. Key points include:

  • Library Updates: we keep your web app up-to-date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes by incorporating regular library updates into quarterly maintenance releases.

  • Security Patches: we prioritize integrating security patches and updates into your (web) apps to protect it against vulnerabilities and ensure the safety of user data.

  • Bug Fixes: we address bugs and issues through thorough testing and incorporate bug fixes into maintenance releases to enhance the user experience.

  • Testing and Deployment: we conduct comprehensive testing before deploying maintenance releases to ensure the validity and performance of updated components.

  • Rollout and Communication: we transparently communicate updates, improvements, and fixes to users through release notes. App store submissions are done by Videodock, including assistance to technically comply with the regulations of app stores.  

A phone depicted in front of working cogs, with a wrench symbolizing regular maintenance releases.

Maintenance & updates

Regular maintenance releases

Regular maintenance releases for your OTT app are essential to maintain stability and security in the app. Every quarter we share a new release with our clients. Key points include:

  • Library Updates: we keep your web app up-to-date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes by incorporating regular library updates into quarterly maintenance releases.

  • Security Patches: we prioritize integrating security patches and updates into your (web) apps to protect it against vulnerabilities and ensure the safety of user data.

  • Bug Fixes: we address bugs and issues through thorough testing and incorporate bug fixes into maintenance releases to enhance the user experience.

  • Testing and Deployment: we conduct comprehensive testing before deploying maintenance releases to ensure the validity and performance of updated components.

  • Rollout and Communication: we transparently communicate updates, improvements, and fixes to users through release notes. App store submissions are done by Videodock, including assistance to technically comply with the regulations of app stores.  

A phone depicted in front of working cogs, with a wrench symbolizing regular maintenance releases.
A screen displaying abstract lines of code, with a shield featuring a lock overlaid, symbolizing critical security updates.
A screen displaying abstract lines of code, with a shield featuring a lock overlaid, symbolizing critical security updates.

Maintenance & updates

Critical security updates

Within a maximum of two weeks after the discovery we address Critical CVEs (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) to minimize the risk of potential exploits and maintain the security and integrity of your OTT web app.



You can include add-ons for an additional price per add-on:

  • Creation of a new “Content Type” (Screen + Elements) with a custom layout, meta data fields and design

  • Custom Identity Provider (custom authentication system for user registration and login)

  • Custom Subscription Provider (subscription / access control and billing)

  • Custom EPG Provider (Electronic Program Guide / TV Guide)

  • Entitlement Service to manage user access and entitlements (with Custom Identity Provider)

  • Custom Styling with Custom Card Component

  • Custom Footer including (External) Links and Images

  • Setup of in-app purchases

  • Custom Feature Development: Development of a custom feature with a maximum development capacity of one week.

An abstract user interface featuring a plus icon and a widget icon, symbolizing add-ons.
An abstract user interface featuring a plus icon and a widget icon, symbolizing add-ons.



You can include add-ons for an additional price per add-on:

  • Creation of a new “Content Type” (Screen + Elements) with a custom layout, meta data fields and design

  • Custom Identity Provider (custom authentication system for user registration and login)

  • Custom Subscription Provider (subscription / access control and billing)

  • Custom EPG Provider (Electronic Program Guide / TV Guide)

  • Entitlement Service to manage user access and entitlements (with Custom Identity Provider)

  • Custom Styling with Custom Card Component

  • Custom Footer including (External) Links and Images

  • Setup of in-app purchases

  • Custom Feature Development: Development of a custom feature with a maximum development capacity of one week.

An abstract user interface featuring a plus icon and a widget icon, symbolizing add-ons.
A phone, laptop, and tablet displayed with a plus icon, symbolizing the possibility for more platforms, such as a mobile or tablet app.
A phone, laptop, and tablet displayed with a plus icon, symbolizing the possibility for more platforms, such as a mobile or tablet app.
A phone, laptop, and tablet displayed with a plus icon, symbolizing the possibility for more platforms, such as a mobile or tablet app.


Mobile / tablet app

Apps for iOS and Android for mobile or tablets have several advantages over a web app. They can provide a consistent and optimized user experience tailored to the specific platform, resulting in a more intuitive and familiar user interface. They also enable features like Chromecast and Push notifications. Furthermore by using app stores for distribution, apps can be easily discovered online, promoted and downloaded, increasing visibility and user reach of your platform.


Smart TV app

Striving to reach and service your target groups on the devices they most use, a Smart TV app can be a good addition to your mix. Expand your reach and engage with viewers on various TV platforms, such as Apple TV (tvOS) Google/Android TV, Amazon Fire (Fire TV), Samsung (Tizen), LG (webOS) and Roku. Other OTT platforms are on our roadmap or could be added for you.

A phone, desktop computer, and TV displayed with a plus icon, symbolizing the possibility for more platforms, such as a smart TV app.
A phone, desktop computer, and TV displayed with a plus icon, symbolizing the possibility for more platforms, such as a smart TV app.


Smart TV app

Striving to reach and service your target groups on the devices they most use, a Smart TV app can be a good addition to your mix. Expand your reach and engage with viewers on various TV platforms, such as Apple TV (tvOS) Google/Android TV, Amazon Fire (Fire TV), Samsung (Tizen), LG (webOS) and Roku. Other OTT platforms are on our roadmap or could be added for you.

A phone, desktop computer, and TV displayed with a plus icon, symbolizing the possibility for more platforms, such as a smart TV app.

Videodock and partners

Making the most of your platform, attracting the right audiences, keeping them engaged; your video streaming strategy matters. We have over 20 years of experience as a streaming strategy partner and we service clients worldwide to develop and expand their video proposition to either wide audiences or specific target groups. With our platform and our expertise we help you to optimize your OTT platform and bring your content to your audiences.

Videodock believes in working in an ecosystem of a few high-quality partners with whom we have deep and trusted relationships. Together we can provide significant value for our customers. JWP( (JW Player) is one of our trusted partners. Together we offer superior OTT (Over-The-Top) solutions including VOD, Live Streaming and FAST. For subscription management we work with JWP or Cleeng.

Videodock and partners

Making the most of your platform, attracting the right audiences, keeping them engaged; your video streaming strategy matters. We have over 20 years of experience as a streaming strategy partner and we service clients worldwide to develop and expand their video proposition to either wide audiences or specific target groups. With our platform and our expertise we help you to optimize your OTT platform and bring your content to your audiences.

Videodock believes in working in an ecosystem of a few high-quality partners with whom we have deep and trusted relationships. Together we can provide significant value for our customers. JWP( (JW Player) is one of our trusted partners. Together we offer superior OTT (Over-The-Top) solutions including VOD, Live Streaming and FAST. For subscription management we work with JWP or Cleeng.

A decorative pattern inspired by Videodock logo
Videodock OTT apps logo
The logo of Brand Compliance B.V. with ISO 27001 certification

Copyright © 2024 Videodock International B.V.

Chamber of Commerce: 864990674 VAT: NL864990674B01

A decorative pattern inspired by Videodock logo
Videodock OTT apps logo
The logo of Brand Compliance B.V. with ISO 27001 certification

Copyright © 2024 Videodock International B.V.

Chamber of Commerce: 864990674 VAT: NL864990674B01

A decorative pattern inspired by Videodock logo
Videodock OTT apps logo
The logo of Brand Compliance B.V. with ISO 27001 certification

Copyright © 2024 Videodock International B.V.

Video Dock BV - KVK 52986012

BTW NL850697463B01